A topological ordering of a directed graph G is a labelling f of G's nodes such that:
- the f(v)'s are the set {1,2...n}
- if (u,v) belongs to G -> f(u) < f(v)
Use: When creating sequence tasks while respecting all precedence constraints.
It should be an acyclic graph. Running time: O(m+n).
Topological sort via DFS
- Follow the out-going arcs from a node
- Once you've reached the end, backtrack!
- Label nodes along the backtrack path if they have no more out-going arcs else follow the arcs
- If you meet an explored node on the way, ignore it!
DFS_loop(graph G)
- mark all nodes unexplored
- current_label = n
- for each vertex v in G
- if v not yet explored
- DFS(G, v)
DFS (graph G, start vertex s)
- mark s as explored
- for every edge (s,v):
- if v unexplored
- DFS (G,v)
- set f(s) = current_label
- current_label --
- set f(s) = current_label
- current_label --
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