- Find everything findable from a given start vertex.
- Don't explore anything twice.
- Run time - O(m+n) time; this is linear w.r.t. the size of the graph.
Generic Algorithm
Given graph G, vertex S
- initially s explored, all other vertices unexplored. [1 boolean per node]
- while possible:
- choose an edge (u,v) with u explored and v unexplored [If none, halt]
- mark v explored
Breadth-First Search (BFS)
O(m+n) time using a Queue (FIFO)
- explore nodes in layers - if there is a path BFS will find it.
- can compute shortest paths
- can compute connected components of an undirected graph
For shortest path calculation -> changes to the alg.
initialize dist(v) [0, if v==s, something if v != s]
- when considering edge (v,w):
- if w unexplored, then set dist(w) = dist(v) + 1
For computing connected components:
Applications: To check if a network is disconnected, graph visualization, clustering.
Input: List of all nodes along with the list of nodes each one is connected to.
- Initially all nodes are unexplored, assume nodes are labelled 1 to n
- for i=1 to n:
- if i not yet explored in some previous BFS
- BFS(G, i) -> discovers connected components..
Depth-First Search (DFS)
O(m+n) time using a stack (LIFO or via recursion)
- explore aggressively like a maze, backtrack only when neccessary
- compute topological ordering of directed acyclic graph
- compute connected components in directed graphs.
Stack version:
mimic BFS code, use stack (push, pop) instead of queue (+minor other modifications)
mimic BFS code, use stack (push, pop) instead of queue (+minor other modifications)
Recursive version (elegant):
DFS (graph G, start vertex s)
- mark s as explored
- for every edge (s,v):
- if v unexplored
- DFS (G,v)
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