Merge sort's better than the usual, very obvious [Quadratic time O(n^2)] sorting methods like Insertion/Bubble/Selection methods, as it's rate of growth is logarithmic [O(nlogn)].

It follows the Divide and Conquer Paradigm
  1. DIVIDE into smaller sub-problems
  2. CONQUER each sub-problem via recursive calls
  3. COMBINE [clean-up work] solutions of sub-problems into one for the original problem.

Calculating the number of inversions
Motivation - to have a numerical similarity measure that quantifies how close two different ranked lists are to each other. Concept of Collaborative filtering is based on this eg: to make recommendations based on similar ratings people have given to the same products they bought which would indicate they might have the same tastes; hence you can make recommendations on products that one of them bought but the other hasn't and might like, because of the similar interests.

Source Code:

[I need to comment it. Plus, I'd like to write it in C++]

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